Free Online Applicant Ranking Tool

Rank and compare job applicants based on predefined criteria 👥🏆🔍

Last updated September 11, 2024
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  1. 1Enter the job role and key requirements for the position you are hiring for.
  2. 2Upload or copy-paste the resumes/applications of the candidates you want to evaluate.
  3. 3Optionally, you can assign weights to different criteria based on their importance for the role.
  4. 4Review the provided information and click the 'Generate' button to get an AI-powered ranking of the applicants.


The Applicant Ranking Tool is a tool that helps you rank and compare job applicants based on predefined criteria. It allows you to evaluate candidates objectively and make informed hiring decisions.

To use the Applicant Ranking Tool, you first need to define the criteria you want to evaluate candidates on, such as experience, skills, education, or any other relevant factors. You can assign weights to each criterion based on its importance. Then, you input the details of each applicant, and the tool will rank them based on how well they meet the defined criteria.

The Applicant Ranking Tool helps you streamline the hiring process by providing an objective and consistent way to evaluate candidates. It reduces bias and ensures that you consider all relevant factors when making hiring decisions. Additionally, it saves time by automating the ranking process and allowing you to quickly identify the top candidates.

Yes, the Applicant Ranking Tool allows you to define and customize the criteria used for ranking applicants. You can add or remove criteria based on your specific hiring needs and assign different weights to each criterion to reflect their relative importance.

Yes, the Applicant Ranking Tool can be used for ranking applicants for various job roles across different industries. You can tailor the criteria to match the specific requirements of the role you are hiring for.

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