Free Online Quiz Maker

Craft engaging quizzes and assessments to evaluate student understanding 📝✏️❓

Last updated December 8, 2024
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  1. 1Select the topic or subject area for your quiz.
  2. 2Enter the questions and answer choices for your quiz.
  3. 3Customize the quiz settings, such as time limit, passing score, and question order.
  4. 4Review and finalize your quiz details.
  5. 5Click the 'Generate' button to create your AI-powered quiz.


The Quiz Maker is a tool that allows you to create engaging quizzes and assessments to evaluate student understanding on various topics or subjects.

With the Quiz Maker, you can input questions, answer choices, and the correct answers. You can customize the quiz settings, such as time limits, question order, and scoring. Once you've created the quiz, you can share it with students or embed it on your website or learning platform.

The Quiz Maker supports various question types, including multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended questions. This allows you to assess different levels of understanding and knowledge.

Yes, the Quiz Maker provides detailed reports and analytics on student performance. You can view individual scores, identify areas of strength and weakness, and track overall class performance.

Yes, the Quiz Maker is versatile and can be used for quizzes and assessments at various educational levels, from elementary school to higher education and professional training.

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